If you are interested in joining one of these groups, click on the appropriate link(s) below.

  • Men's Base Camp (beginning January 22) | Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 p.m. Facilitator- Pastor Mark Green | Study- The Holy Spirit | Meets in the OC 45 Building. Click HERE to join or learn more.
  • Thursday Morning Bible Study (beginning January 23) | 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Facilitator- Ed Kennedy | Study- "Caring Enough to Confront," by Chip Ingram | Meets in the Meeting Room (beside the Café in the Church Lobby). Click HERE to join or learn more.

  • Tuesday PM Small Group (beginning January 28) | 7:00-8:30 p.m. | Facilitator-Harrison Frantz will lead an 8-week small group on the essentials for leading your family. | Meets in Room 401 A/B (OC Groups Building), limited to 10 men. Click HERE to join or learn more.

Questions? Contact Pastor Mark Green at