
At Otterbein, we believe that every person who attends Otterbein should be involved in at least one ministry of the church where he/she is actively serving others. Serving helps us to grow spiritually and a church can only be healthy and effective when those who attend serve. In 1 Corinthians 12:27 we read, “Now all of you together are Christ’s body, and each one of you is a separate and necessary part of it.” We believe that God has provided each follower of Jesus Christ with a unique SHAPE (Spiritual Gift, Heart/Passion, Abilities, Personality and Experiences) and that He wants us to use that SHAPE to serve others and grow in our relationship with Jesus Christ.

Otterbein Church has many opportunities for people to serve others. Complete the OC SERVE form below if you are interested in learning more and/or want to begin serving at Otterbein. After you submit the form, one of the staff or ministry leaders will contact you. 


Children & Youth Applications

We request anyone interested in serving as a volunteer in our nursery, children’s, and youth ministries to complete an application. Generally, you will only need to fill out one of the applications if you have been specifically requested to do so by the ministry leader. If you are requested to complete an application, click on the link(s) below which will take you to the appropriate application for the ministry you are interested in serving at Otterbein.


Children's Ministry Volunteer

Children's Ministry Special Event Application

Youth Ministry Volunteer

Youth Ministry Reference Form