We are providing Easter meals to people in our community who are struggling financially. People can choose a bag of food that includes ham, potatoes, dinner rolls, corn, green
beans, macaroni and cheese, fruit, butter, and cookies OR they can request individually packaged meals that can be heated up in a microwave.
Here are ways that you can be involved in helping our church serve our community in Jesus’ name:
1) Donate $35 for the purchase of everything included in the Easter Meal bag which will feed an entire family.
2) Donate $12 for the purchase of a single-serve meal.
3) Volunteer to help pack and distribute the bags and/or serve breakfast on Friday morning, April 7.
4) Bake and donate cookies (chocolate chip, sugar, or oatmeal raisin— please no nuts) to be included in the bags.
Otterbein Church is providing Easter Meal Bags and Single Serve meals for Easter again this year. The Easter Meal Bags include everything a family needs for a complete Easter meal including a ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, green beans, macaroni & cheese, rolls, butter, fruit, and cookies. The single-serve meals are microwavable and include all of the above.
If you are interested in receiving one of the Easter Meal Bags or single-serve meals, CLICK HERE. A free hot breakfast is also available when picking up the Easter meals. Meals need to be picked up on Friday, April 7, between 8:00 & 11:00 a.m. at Otterbein Church, 912 South Potomac Street, Waynesboro. Meals are provided free of charge.
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We will have an Easter Celebration Weekend on April 1-2 (Palm Sunday Weekend), including a special choir. Dave Besecker, the director of the choir, invites anyone (Middle School through adult) to participate, regardless of previous choir experience or ability to read music. Rehearsals will be at 7:00 p.m. each Wednesday evening March 1-29. There will be an additional practice on Tuesday, March 28. If you want to join the choir or want more info, stop at Connection Point or complete the online form on the OC App or ocregister.org. You can also call Dave at 717.762.7147 x227 or email him at dave.besecker@otterbeinchurch.org.
We can't wait to see you at this year's OC Easter Egg Hunt at our Otterbein Community Recreation Park (13375 Welty Rd.) in Waynesboro, PA. The Egg Hunt will take place on March 24. Kids ages 2 through 5th grade, bring a bag or basket and come early! We have lots of eggs but don't be late or you'll miss all the fun! The egg hunt will begin promptly at 11 a.m. See you there!
Join us on Palm Sunday weekend (March 23 & 24) for a special Easter celebration that will include our adult choir, worship team, children’s dance ministry, and a message from Pastor Mike. The Saturday evening service begins at 6:30 p.m. Children’s ministry is available for children birth-preschool. We will have our regular schedule on Sunday morning— 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.
On Thursday, March 28, we will have two communion services (6:00 & 7:30 p.m.) in the Worship Center. Nursery and preschool ministries will be provided at 6:00 p.m. Both services are identical and will last approximately 60 minutes. The service will include an intimate time of worship and reflection as we focus on Jesus’ death and share communion.
easter weekend | MARCH 30 & 31
Join us as we celebrate Jesus' resurrection! We will have a Saturday evening service at 6:30 p.m. Childcare will be available for children from birth-preschool. On Sunday we will have services at 8:00 a.m. with Childcare for Nursery-Preschool, 9:30 a.m. with Children & Youth ministry programming from Nursery-Grade 12, and 11:00 a.m. with Children's Ministry from Nursery-Grade 5. All services will be held in the Worship Center. Online services will be available during the Sunday service times.
invite a friend to join us
We have provided beautiful e-cards so you can easily invite your friends to all the special events surrounding the Easter holiday. It's as easy as 1-2-3!
- Click HERE to begin.
- Select how to share. You can choose email or click the SHARE button to select SMS (text), Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.
- Add recipients and a personal message.... then click send!