The Women’s Ministry exists to help women connect with other women, become like Jesus, and serve others in the name of Christ. The groups below have started and are no longer taking registrations. Check back at a later date when we begin a new session.

  • Tuesday Evening Widows' Small Group beginning March 4 | 7:00-8:30 p.m. | Facilitator- Jen Turner | Study based upon the book, The Undistracted Widow: Living for God After Losing Your Husband, by Carol Cornish. 
  • Tuesday Morning Bible Study began in January | 9:30-11:00 a.m. | Facilitator- Cheryl Haskell | Study- The Sermon on the Mount | OC 45 Building. 
  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study began in January | 7:00-8:30 p.m. | Facilitator- Rhonda Dudeck | Study- Spiritual Mentoring by Susan Hunt| OC House (located between the Worship Center and the Day Care Building). 

Questions? Contact Pastor Mark Green at mark.green@otterbeinchurch.org.