Our Adult Ministries seek to provide both a place to connect & pursue transformation into the image of Jesus. We encourage you to
check out the various opportunities & to engage in those that will help
you connect with others who are following Jesus. If you have questions about any of our adult ministries, please email Mark Green, Pastor of Adult & Family Ministries.
SMALL GROUPs for Women
The Women’s Ministry exists to help women connect with other women, become like Jesus, and go serve others in the name of Christ.
Tuesday Morning Bible Study - on break until January 21
9:30-11:00 a.m.
Facilitator: Cheryl Haskell
Study | The Sermon on the Mount
Meets in the OC 45 Building
Wednesday Evening Bible Study - on break until January 29
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Rhonda Dudeck
Study | "Spiritual Mentoring," by Susan Hunt
Meets in the OC House (located between the Worship Center and Faith Builders Day Care)
Learn more or sign up for one of the Women's Groups HERE.
For more information or to ask questions, email Mark Green.
BaseCamp: Wednesday Night Men's Group - on break until January 22
7:00–8:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Pastor Mark Green
Study | The Holy Spirit
Meets in the OC 45 Building
Thursday Morning Bible Study - on break until January 23
9:00-10:00 a.m.
Facilitator: Ed Kennedy
Study | "Caring Enough to Confront," by Chip Ingram
Meets in the Church Meeting Room (beside the Cafe in the Church lobby)
Tuesday Evening Small Group beginning January 28
7:00-8:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Harrison Frantz
Study | Leading Your Family, limited to 10 men
Meets in Room 402 (OC Groups Building)
Learn more or sign up for one of the Men's Groups HERE.
For more information or to ask questions, email Mark Green.
Events are planned throughout the year. Check OC Connect and the church bulletin for more information about upcoming events.
For more information, please call the church office at 717.762.7147 or email Mark Green.
small groups for everyone
The following small groups meet twice a month on Sunday mornings. You can join the groups at any time.
Sermon-Based Small Groups
1st & 3rd Sundays | 10:45 a.m. - Noon | Facilitators: Tony & Kelly Cassidy
2nd & 4th Sundays | 10:45 a.m. - Noon | Facilitators: Pastor Mark Green
If you're interested in starting a group, please contact Pastor Mark Green.
Learn more or sign up for one of the Sermon-Based Small Groups HERE.
For more information or to ask questions about any of the groups, email Mark Green.
Opportunities for Senior Adults
Recognizing that God’s not done with you when you reach 60, the senior adult ministry exists to continue the process of making mature disciples of Jesus Christ. As our purpose states this focuses on spiritual needs, social needs and encourages seniors to use their experiences, wisdom and talents in serving God through serving the church and others.
Our senior adult ministry is called Timeless Treasures and is led by Pastor John Hoffman.
OC Adult Sunday Classes
Sunday classes have a dual purpose of helping people become like Jesus and fostering a connection with other people in the church. Classes meet weekly and begin new studies on a regular basis.
Helping Hands Class (Senior Adults)
A close-knit group of senior adults who study the Bible, pray for one another and keep in touch during the week to care for one another.
Teachers: Donnie Etter & Pastor John Mullen
Age: Senior Adults
Time & Location: 9:30 a.m. in the Meeting Room (church lobby next to the cafe)
Christ’s Ambassadors Class (small group)
This small group (10-12) gathers for in-depth Bible study. They take their time working through the Bible text in a discussion format.
Teacher: Jeff Mullen
Age: Mixed
Time & Location: 9:30 a.m. in the Conference Room
Covenants Seekers Class
A larger group (40 or so) that studies through books of the Bible. Teaching is mixed with questions and discussion time.
Teacher: Bruce Anderson
Age: Mixed
Time & Location: 9:30 a.m. in the chapel lower level – Room 105
Bereans Class
As the name implies, this group likes to go deep in searching out and examining the Scripture. They study through a specific book of the Bible with great detail. They will pause on occasion for a class party or service project during class.
Teacher: Stacey Dove
Age: Mixed
Time & Location: 9:30 a.m. in the chapel lower level - Room 106
Friends of Faith Class
A small group of adults gather to study the Bible. This class meets on the 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.
Teacher: Ben Townes
Time & Location: 9:30 a.m. in the chapel lower level - Room 104