• oc youth THIS WEEk

    Wed. January 22 from 6:00-8:15 p.m. | Grade 6-12 GUYS Movie Night in the OC Youth Building *NOTE: "The Blind" is rated PG-13. Please see the reviews to determine if this film is acceptable for your child.

  • indoor soccer | january 22

    A group that plays Indoor Soccer will gather each Wednesday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Otterbein Community Center Gym. Anyone in 9th grade or older is welcome to attend. All skill levels are welcome. Come join us for a great time of exercise and fellowship!

  • fPU | january 26

    Registration for this class has closed. The FPU class will continue to meet for the next 8 weeks on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. in the OC 45 Building.

  • college age (18-25) | january 26

    College Age Adults (18-25)-- Join us at Pastor Dwight's house on Sunday, January 26 at 6:00 p.m. We're having a Bible Study! We connect each week over food, fellowship, and Bible study. Questions? Email dwight.karkan@otterbeinchurch.org.

  • 1st tuesday prayer | february 4

    We will have our First Tuesday Prayer Gathering at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 4. We will be meeting in Room 402. Park on the south side of the building and use the Groups Entrance. Everyone is invited to join in this time of prayer for our church, community, and world.

  • otterbein quilters | february 5

    The Otterbein Quilters gather on the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 9:00-11:00 a.m. in the OC 45 Building. Their mission is to “sew stitches" of faith, fun and friendship with one another. Quilters of any skill level are welcome to attend. Bring a project in progress or one to show. If you have any questions, reach out to Kay Fitz at jkfitz2@comcast.net.

  • timeless treasures | february 8

    VALENTINE LUNCHEON - Timeless Treasures (50 and older) is celebrating Valentine's Day on Saturday, February 8 at the Otterbein Community Center Banquet Room. Whether you're single, or married, God's love is for everyone! Join us for a buffet luncheon at noon, the doors will open at 11:30 a.m. The menu will include fried chicken, baked ham with all the sides and dessert. After lunch, we will enjoy music by "Sweet Life," a husband-and-wife duo, who sing of God's love. Sign up with payment of $20 per person HERE, on the OC App, or at Connection Point on January 26.

  • welcome to otterbein class | february 16

    Are you new to Otterbein? Join Pastor Mike on Sunday, February 16 for our Welcome to Otterbein Class. In the class, you will learn more about who we are at Otterbein Church and how to take your next step. The class will be held at 9:30 a.m. in the OC 45 Building (tan building beside the white tent). Register HERE, on the OC App, or stop by Connection Point.

  • ms youth conference | feb. 28-mar.2

    This year's big trip for our Middle Schoolers is to join the Breakaway Youth Conference in Ocean City on the weekend of February 28-March 2. Register now through January 26, HERE, or on the OC App.