We can't wait for you to join us for VBS 2025 as we discover how to love like Jesus, not just through our words, but in our actions too. Jesus displayed how we are to love one another, be kind to one another, forgive one another, and serve one another and we’ll be focusing on each of these aspects throughout the week. In a world where people are hurting and divided, what an honor it is to have the opportunity to show others what it looks like to LIVE IT OUT and share the Good News of Jesus with the world!

Vacation Bible School will be held June 9-12, 2025, from 6-8:15 p.m. at Otterbein Church (912 South Potomac St).


Our VBS is open to all children (who just completed) Kindergarten through 5th Grade! We are now taking registrations for our fun-filled event! Click HERE to register.

Children entering Kindergarten in the fall of 2025 are invited to attend our VBS Preschool Preview Night.

PLEASE NOTE: Preschool children will only attend Thursday evening, June 12, and must be accompanied by at least one parent/guardian. 

If you have any questions, please contact Amanda Myers, Director of Children's Ministry at 717-762-7147 x 231 or amanda.myers@otterbeinchurch.org.


Once you've registered for Vacation Bible School, invite your friends to join in on the fun! We have printed cards in the lobby, or you may choose to send an e-card. 

1. Click HERE to access the e-card. (You can also find it on the OC App, on the Sunday tab | Invite a Friend.)

2. Select how to share; email, SMS (text), Facebook, etc.

3. Add recipients and a personal message, then click send!

Important Information


Drop Off & Pick Up

ARRIVAL TIME: 6:00-6:15 p.m.

Once you have arrived, please report to the Children’s Check-In area to check in your child. You will receive an alphanumeric label for you and your child. Please attach the label with your child’s name to the front of their shirt. The other label is yours to keep and must be presented when picking up your child. If you are planning to have someone else pick up your child, please make sure to give them this label so they can present it at pickup.

Please take your child to the Worship Center double doors where a guide will help them find their grade-level small group. *Pick-up/dismissal will be from the same location. Please plan to enter the Worship Center and an OC Kids leader will direct you to your child's group.  

PICK-UP TIME: 8:15 p.m.


Please report allergies (including, but not limited to, food allergies and insect allergies) or other special needs to the OC Kids VBS staff at check-in. 


Some activities will be messy! Please make sure your child is wearing clothing that can get dirty and shoes that are good for running.

Preschool Preview Night
June 12 - 6:15 p.m.

Calling all preschoolers entering Kindergarten in August 2025 and their parents! On June 12, starting at 6:15 p.m., we invite you to join us for a VBS Preview Night! We’ll have a special area set up just for preschoolers and their families to experience what VBS is all about and what they have to look forward to next year! 


We invite all families to join us on Thursday, June 12 at 7:50 p.m. for an evening of FUN as we wrap up our week and share with our community what it means to START THE PARTY! with Jesus!

**Please plan to pick up children in Kindergarten-Grade 5 at 7:45 p.m. on June 12 and then join us in the Worship Center at 7:50 p.m. for a VBS wrap up!


Get a 2025 LIVE IT OUT! T-Shirt 

VBS t-shirts are available to purchase HERE, now through June 3rd. We expect to have a limited quantity of t-shirts available to purchase at Connection Point in the church lobby at the beginning of VBS each evening until each quantity has been sold out. Historically, our t-shirt stock has sold out quickly, so your best bet to secure a t-shirt is to order early.



Sizes available include Youth Small-Youth XL and Adult S-3XL. 

T-Shirts are 100% Cotton. The cost is $12.00 each.